Medications During Pregnancy and Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation most substances pass to your baby through the placenta and breast milk. We recommend the avoidance of medications and encourage the use of natural remedies to alleviate common prenatal and postpartum discomforts. However the following may be used should your condition warrant intervention rather than fluids, rest, alterations in diet, cool compresses, moist heat or other natural remedies. Some medications, such as those for seizures, thyroid disease, diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure are necessary and must be taken to ensure your health.

Keep us informed
Be sure to report any medications you take on a regular basis to us that their safety and need may be evaluated and discussed with you. Do not stop any prescription medicines without talking to us first.

Over-the-counter medications
Medications should always be taken as directed by package instructions and should not exceed maximum dosage. We do not advise the use of medications that are not listed below without the consent of your health care provider. Please tell your provider if you have been prescribed medications by another health care provider. Contact our office immediately at (208) 535-0440 if your temperature remains above 100 degrees despite the use of Tylenol, or if significant symptoms worsen or persist more than 24-36 hours.

Do not take any medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen during pregnancy unless instructed to do so by your provider. If you have concerns about the safety of medications you have taken or exposure to chemicals during pregnancy, please ask your provider. You may also telephone THE TERATOGEN REGISTRY at (800) 532-3749 for information regarding the effects of medications and other chemicals on the fetus and newborn. If possible, all medications should be avoided up to 12 weeks of pregnancy unless specified by one of the physicians. But if symptoms worsen you may have to use the following over the counter medications. Please call the office if symptoms do not improve following treatment. Avoid all other medications.

Coughs, colds and congestions
Chlor-Trimenton 4 mg, Benadryl 25mg, Claritin for congestion, hay fever or sinus symptoms
Robitussin DM, Benalyn DM, Triaminic Cough
Any throat or cough drops, or sprays

Pain Relievers
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for headaches, body aches and generalized

Vitamin B6 50 mg twice daily, Emetrol syrup, Gatorade, ginger snaps, popsicles for nausea, small frequent snacks.

Calcium containing antacids: Maalox, Mylanta, Gelusil, Riopan, Tums, Zantac, Pepcid AC (for heart burn)

High fiber diet, fluids. Metamucil, Per Diem, Stool softeners (Colace, Surfak) Fibercon, Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax tablets, fruit and fruit preserves. Avoid laxatives such as EX Lax.

Kaopectate or Imodium A/D
Notes: if diarrhea persists more than two days, or if bloody, call the office. A recommended diet for diarrhea includes unsweetened cereal, rice, potatoes, noodles, crackers, bananas, applesauce, toast, soup, yogurt, vegetables, and fruits. Avoid sweets, soft drinks, apple juice, Jell-0, or fats.

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